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Getting their Hands Dirty

Getting their Hands Dirty

Mirador’s landscaping was always so beautiful.   However, the freeze in 2021 hit our area really hard making everything look so sad, almost hopeless. 

We knew we had to do something. When it warmed up a bit, we planned a big “dig out” party with residents and employees. We provided all kinds of tools and gloves, trash bags, and hydration for all. It was a blast! We laughed and sweat and got dirty together. Once we had made a big dent in digging out the foliage in the front, we all re-convened around the pool for a big barbeque with all the trimmings. What a great sense of community and pride! 

Weeks and months went by. I remember driving by the Spanishwood street side of Mirador and seeing all the dead bushes on the way to work. On the way home, there would be neat little piles of dead limbs and our plant-ops guys in their golf cart, sacking the limbs up and taking them to the dumpster. Eventually, our residents the die-hard diggers, had cut and   removed all of the dead plants, trees, and bushes. 

A few creative master gardeners then pitched a choice of two replanting projects. We chose one and purchased the plants, bushes and trees. These gardeners followed their plans and the result is our current beautiful landscaping.

I have such a sense of pride for the landscaping now.  I love it more than the previous landscaping because I know how hard everyone worked with their various talents to make it come together.


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MRC Mirador Senior Living Discovery Explore Card, Corpus Christi